Entertainment With A Cause


Jagran Entertainment’s global presence is truly felt with its body of work, which spans across its clients and brands. Our campaigns are not just about marketing the products as they are; they are built on the foundations of confidence and conversations, which sets us apart from the rest of the crowd. We aim to tap into the undiscovered potential of the product/ brand to bloom its relationship and trust with its communities. This enables us to create a following that adds value to your brand as well as the end user, because we believe that enriching a single consumer’s life will give birth to a movement that can inspire a generation.

Establishing such an intimate connection between each member of the community with your brand through dialog and effective narration is the standard we set for ourselves. Be it cross promotions over a multitude of media or 360-degree campaign development with tailor-made, customized solutions, this approach is the bedrock upon which all our ideas emerge from, leading to a lasting impact on the minds of our audience.

Jagran Entertainment is also the one-stop solution for all media planning and execution, with holistic brand restructuring through all Communication platforms. Through a strong, commendable presence in the field of event management, our team takes pride in the numerous, bespoke outdoor experiences crafted for a variety of occasions, over a wide clientele.

No matter what the summit is, we have the expertise to execute and deliver.

Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)

Event : Charity Football Match between All Stars XI and GCCA XI (Retired Indian Cricketers)
Location : Bhilai, Chattisgarh

Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)
Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)
Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)
Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)
Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)
Govind Chouhan Cricket Academy (GCCA)

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